Friday, October 29, 2010

Borneo Dayak Tattoo

Traditional Dayak Tattoo- for many outsiders the name has been synonymous with a forbidding and isolated wilderness, a steamy rain-soaked place, dangerous and forlorn. While it was among the first lands in Asia to be visited by Europeans, it remained among the last to be mapped.
Borneo is the third largest island in the world. Six major, and numerous minor, navigable rivers traverse the interior and function as trade and communication routes for the indigenous peoples who live here, namely the Dayak. Dayak, meaning "interior" or "inland" person, is the term used to describe the variety of indigenous native tribes of Borneo, each of which has its own language and separate culture. Approximately three million Dayak - Ibans, Kayans, Kenyahs and others - live in Borneo. Most groups are settled cultivating rice in shifting or rain-fed fields supplementing their incomes with the sale of cash crops: ginger, pepper, cocoa, palm oil. However several hundred Penan, nomadic hunter-gatherers, continue to follow a traditional lifestyle in the jungle, one that is rapidly vanishing.
Aside from a few scattered reports of missionaries, traders, and a handful of explorers in the mid-19th century, almost nothing was known about the Dayak and their customs. To these outsiders only one thing was for certain: that the island was inhabited by "primitive" peoples who worshipped pagan gods and spirits and whose knowledge and skills made this land their home.
By 1900, however, anthropological interest in Borneo peaked and became the focus of several museum expeditions by the Dutch and British. With the many ethnological accounts that followed, some of the most interesting material that was generated focused upon the traditional tattooing practices of the Dayak. Tattooing was believed to be a sacred activity that was connected to many aspects of traditional Dayak culture, especially spirit worship and headhunting.

Among the Dayak, all life - whether animal, vegetable, or human - is endowed with a spiritual aspect. Spirits living in the jungle must always be propitiated and never offended. Recently, Vince Hemingson, who was traveling with the Iban, said that even when an individual wishes to urinate, he or she must ask the spirits for permission in order to give them an opportunity to move: "No one would ever want to pee on a invisible spirit that is sitting directly in front of them and certainly no one would ever piss on a tree, you never know whose house that tree might be [and] I certainly didn't want to pee on anyone's house." Spirits (Iban: antu), both good and bad, exercise many powers; they provide the techniques of rice cultivation, the techniques of textile weaving, and the techniques of tattooing. Spirits usually come to individuals through dreams and even tattoo artists are under the protection of a particular spirit. Dreams are believed to be revelations sent by the gods, sometimes by deified ancestors, and all Dayak are guided by them in their daily affairs.
Dayak heaven is a universe filled with the spiritual energies that charge with life-power most existing beings and things. This divine realm, removed from secular time and the laws of this world, is the abode of gods and ancestors who grant privileges to those who maintain the proper balance of life throughout all of its stages. At birth, all Dayak are endowed with the perfect gifts of nature: mind, body, and several souls. Each of these components are essential for remaining "complete" throughout life experience, since completion is necessary for one to enter the sanctity of the afterlife. According to the beliefs of the Iban, one of the souls of a person resides in their head and by taking someone else's you capture their soul as well as their status, strength, skill and power. Thus, it is not surprising that human heads, once taken and preserved, were respected in ritual; their spirits became adopted members of the group that took them and were persuaded to aid their captors in many ways.
Most Dayak, living their lives in strict accordance to the divine norms and commandments by which the gods and ancestors had lived their lives, relied upon human sacrifice to propitiate the good will of their masters. Headhunting, the ritual component, served to maintain the prosperity of the group by ensuring agricultural and community fertility. In the eyes of the gods and ancestors, the taking of fresh heads was not only pleasing - it was duly rewarded with many gifts. For example, the divine indicated locations in the forest where fields should be cleared and planted; they protected the rice fields against crop failure; they lent their diagnosis in illness; and they accompanied men in war or on the headhunt to insure success. Headhunting was therefore an institution believed to maintain balance and harmony in the Dayak cosmos and oftentimes a man's status was not established until he had proven success in headhunting itself.
The most important symbol marking participation in the headhunt was tattoo (Iban: pantang). Among the Kayan, anthropomorphic figures were tattooed onto the fingers and were known as tegulun. Although they denoted having taken a head, tegulun possibly represented a sacrifice to a helper spirit that in former times was propitiated by killing a slave upon the construction of a new longhouse. Other fig.1 Click for a closer look at this Dayak elder's tattoos tattoos covered the entire body. For example, this elder Dayak man photographed in 1896 (fig. 1 - click for larger image) possesses a style no longer seen in this era of modernity. The central tattoo motif on his chest represents the trunk of the Garing tree; adjoining it above are the two outstretched wings of the hornbill - a messenger of the Iban war god, Lang Singalang Burong. Garing trees are believed to be immortal and invulnerable while the hornbill, marking rank and prestige, is believed to provide protection against the intrusion of evil spirits living in the jungle. Interestingly, images of the hornbill (Iban: tenyalang) were oftentimes carved and propitiated with sacrifices of pigs and human heads prior to them being mounted on display poles, since the spirit of the tenyalang was believed to leave its wooden body, fly to the longhouse of an enemy, and weaken the spirit of the headhunters living there. The tattooing that appears down the arms and over the shoulders represents the leaves of the areca palm, considered as another effective weapon against malevolent spirits. In a sense, then, Dayak men of this time were covered with a visual canopy of the creatures and plants that lived within their jungle domain. However, and when combined together, tattoos performed as an indelible form of camouflage acting upon the malevolent forces encountered in the jungle - headhunters and evil spirits. In the past, it seems that tattoo was one of the primary devices for completion - holding the body and its constituent parts together in a dangerous world - and maybe this is why the Ngaju Dayak say, "the tattooed man is the perfect and sacred man, and only such may receive the perfect tattooing."
fig.2 Click for a larger picture of these Dayak women tattooingJust as a great warrior was tattooed to mark his achievements in the human hunt, women were tattooed as proof of their accomplishments in weaving, dancing or singing - as well as for protective purposes. Following ritual precautions, weavers communicated with their spirit helpers before initiating a design. It was thought that this action would prevent irritating other spirits represented in a new weaving. Textile work, a hazardous undertaking recognized by the Iban as "women's war" (kayau indu'), was both socially and ritually marked by tattoo. Among the Kayan, tattoo (tedek) was handtapped onto the fingers of women in various patterns (fig. 2), although black spikes running from the knuckles to mid-digits was a fairly common design fig.3 Click for a larger image of this Dayak woman's hand tattoos (fig. 3). This motif, called song irang (shoots of bamboo), expresses a connection between plant life and fertility while the anthropomorphic designs above her wrists represent protective ancestor spirits. Floral imagery, symbolizing spiritual powers and relationships, permeates every facet of Dayak life. Plants are regarded as a major kind of living thing, sharing the same fundamental properties of life and death as humans. That is why the Iban are so meticulous with the care of their rice (padi) fields; Rice plants are believed to be the souls of ancestors and when ingested they generate physical energy which make the Iban "tough."

Shamans, Sickness and the Land of the Dead

Shamans (Iban: manang) were revered individuals in the Dayak community. They possessed the gifts of prophecy and healing and were sometimes feared by the populace because of their affiliation with supernatural spirits. Shamans were not only doctors who diagnosed illnesses and prescribed remedies for the sick, but were interpreters of vast, unknown spiritual forces that controlled the weather and food supplies. Serving as liason between the supernatural and the people, the manang witnessed and communicated with several of the spiritual and mythological beings of Dayak belief. Many of these spirits, which included those of plants and famed ancestors no longer living, were captured and utilized as assistants (Iban: antu nulong).
In Iban belief, some physical ills are manifestations of evil spirits (antu) that are occasionally attracted to individuals who directly reflect moral inadequacies. If the shaman fails to affect a cure, either by propitiating the antu with sacrifices, enticing it into a wooden figurine, or by barking, growling and in some cases even attempting to kill it, a name changing ceremony is then performed and the afflicted may be given a new tattoo near the wrist. The new name serves to conceal the fig.4 Click for a larger picture of thigh and calf tattoos of a Dayak woman. individual from disease-bearing spirits and the tattoo symbolically recasts the patient's body in order to correct its imperfections. This ideology is taken from Selempandai, the Iban blacksmith god who forges human beings. Thus, it is not surprising that most Iban and other Dayak tattoos are patterned after beings or plants that are associated with curative or protective powers. This Kayan woman (fig. 4), photographed in 1927, was tattooed with snake-like motifs called aso'. The design at the bottom of these vertical bands, the coil that looks similar to an abstract letter fig.5 Click for a closer look at these Dayak woman's thigh tattoos "A", is a tuba root pattern. Both the aso' and tuba motifs are ones which evil spirits dread and it is interesting to note that the tuba plant, when crushed, produces a poisonous juice used to stupefy fish. In mythology, the tuba was given to the Dayak by the snake deities of Panggau and this is why it is not surprising that the motif is used as a protective symbol in tattoo. Silong lejau (tiger's faces) were other important and powerful tattoo symbols used against the spirits (fig. 5). They are related to a famous Dayak story in which a shaman, clothed in a ceremonial garment with designs of crocodiles and tigers, blocked the entrance to his longhouse to scare away the evil spirits plaguing his community.
Although the apotropaic aspect of Dayak tattoo has been discussed, specifically as a remedy against supernatural possession resulting in disease, tattooing was also an initiation rite involving the entire community longhouse. Tattoo operations were not carried out in the longhouse itself, rather they took place in a specially built hut among some groups. During the entire ritual, the male members of the family dressed in bark-cloth. Bark-cloth was normally placed on the corpses of village leaders at their funerals or worn by widowers. At other times, headhunters used bark-cloth during ceremonial occasions. Therefore, it seems that the association between tattoo and bark-cloth indicates that tattooed individuals pass through a communally recognized symbolic death in order to pass into a new stage of life. Not surprisingly, each Dayak community is comprised of individuals both living and dead, since those members who left this world forever now dwell in the community of the ancestors - the village of the dead. It is here, the perfect world were houses are magnificently built, the trees bear perpetual fruit, and the pathways are paved with gold and jewels, that each Dayak individual yearns to be in the afterlife.
Notwithstanding these concepts, tattoos and death were inextricably bound in other respects. When the Kayan soul left its human host, it journeyed through the murky depths of the afterlife in search of the village of the dead. Kayan souls encountered many obstacles on their supernatural flight: The River of Death the most formidable. According to tradition, only the souls of tattooed women who provided generously for their families and headhunters who possessed hand tattoos - a token of their success - were able to cross the log bridge that spanned these dangerous waters. Maligang, the malevolent guardian of the bridge, oftentimes refused such passage forcing souls to descend into the river's depths to be eaten by Patan, a giant catfish. However, if the lingering soul was properly tattooed, it was free to pass into the darkness that awaited it on the other side. Although this dim world was silent and discomforting, the soul's tattoos began to burn brightly, in turn, guiding the incorporeal spirit to its final resting place among the ancestors.

A Spiritual Artform

Dayak tattoo is a spiritual artform that merges images of humans, animals, and plants into one unit, expressing the proliferation of life and the integration of living and spiritual beings in the cosmos. Death and fertility were the primary axes around which tattoo creativity spiraled. Tattooing offered visual testimony to the refusal of Dayak individuals to accept the finality of death and assert the indestructibility of their being. By emulating the life of the gods in everyday ritual, the Dayak procured their own form of divine power that ensured the perpetuation of human life in a continuum of eternity. Therefore, tattoos were articulating symbols inscribing implicit Dayak ideologies of existence upon the living canvas of human flesh.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

What You Should Know Before You Get A Tattoo Or Piercing

Before getting a tattoo or a body piercing find out what all the risks are and how to get rid of the tattoo or body piercing if you no longer want it.

A tattoo may only take a few minutes to get but it can last a lifetime. Tattoos are permanent. They are designs put on your skiing with pigments injected into the top layer of your skin with needles.

Here is how tattoos are created: A needle is connected to an apparatus with tubes which contain dye. These needles pierce the skin multiple times kind of like a sewing machine but on your skin. The needle inserts tiny drops of ink creating the tattoo. Tattoos can hurt and a large tattoo can take up to several hours to create. The tattoo may even bleed

What are the downsides of getting a tattoo?

You are piercing your skin so you may be a risk for more skin infections if you get a tattoo or piercing.

If you get a tattoo you put yourself at risk for getting blood related diseases. If the machine the tattoo artist uses you can you can get hepatitis C, hepatitis B, tetanus, tuberculosis and even HIV.

If you use red ink in your tattoos you may get a rash with bumps.

Tattoos can also lead to bacterial infections. The symptoms are redness, warmth, swelling and pus.

Again if you use red ink in your tattoo this can cause allergic reactions that can last for years.

Your tattoo will also require cleaning and maintenance. Your tattoo artist will give you instructions on how to clean and maintain your tattoo. You should apply skin care products and avoid too much exposure to the sun for your tattoo. Especially in the beginning.

Tattoos takes several days to heal. Do not pick at the tattoo. Give the tattoo time to heal properly.

What if you want to get rid of your tattoo? This is very common.

Tattoo removal is difficult and often still leaves scars and skin discolorations.

Laser surgery if the best way to get rid of a tattoo. Laser beams penetrate the top layer of the skin and the light is accepted by the tattoo. This method may demand up to 10 treatments over a period of a year and even then the tattoo might not completely disappear.

Another method of tattoo removal is called Dermabrasion. The tattoo is frozen until the skin is numb then the skin is sanded down. This method does not hurt very much but it usually leaves a scar.

You can also remove that tattoo surgically but this invariably leaves a scar.

Closely Guarded Knowledge About Removing A Tattoo

There are a number of instances where tattoo removal would be a good idea. We're going to fix all those irrational fears about tattoo removal in this article. There are plenty of reasons and methods for getting a tattoo removed... Tattoo removal is sometimes needed. If you're even contemplating it, then this artical can help you out. A few funny stories, cheap tattoo removal, tattoo removal methods and even highly recommended over the counter fade cream. That's what you'll find in this article.

1) Your teacher said you were stupid for getting that sleeve. You thought nothing of it and laughed it off. Now you're heading off to your job interview. You hope they won't discriminate against your ink and ask you to get your tattoo removed. You wear a nice coat to cover up your tattoo. Your boss is a great guy and seems to like you. Your tattoo shows a bit when you shake hands. He actually likes your inkwork and says he'll call you soon. You go home and wait. But there isn't a call.

2) There was no lady you loved more. There was nothing that would tear you two apart. It seemed like a great idea to get her name tattooed on you. She decided a few weeks later to break up with you. You had a winner there, huh? You consider the possibility of removing a tattoo. It didn't take you too long to get over her and find a new lady. You like her a lot, and she's really digging you, but... She stumbles upon the girl's name. Wow. Awkward. You decided to settle for some over the counter tattoo cover up cream for now.

3) You made some bad choices back then. A gang tattoo? What were you thinking? You said, "Yeah, we're all brothers and family here!". That's long past. There's nothing more you regret. You're confused as to why you even talked to them. Those days are over and you're going to find some before and after photos of people who've removed tattoos from their body. Your journey to remove a tattoo is just beginning. If you ever were sure of one thing... You're going get that tattoo off of you if it's the last thing you do.

That's the WHY of removing a tattoo, next we'll show you the how of removing a tattoo.

1) Tattoo removal cream. This method of tattoo removal is the most easily available and painless. With tons of before and after photos, you can easily find out that this method works. For the price of it, tattoo removal cream is absolutely amazing. For solid results, tat b gone is supposed to be star quality. It's highly recommended and has several claims from people who actually have used it to had their tattoo removed. While we're on popular brands, wrecking balm tattoo removal is said to be absolutely amazing.

2) Laser tattoo removal. This is a kind of pricey option, but your tattoo removal WILL happen. Laser tattoo removal costs are not hard to find, so you can see the different options you have.

It's a good option, but has some cons. The tattoo removal costs of this method are probably the most expensive options, and it's a painful and gross healing process (I have a friend who got his tribal tattoos removed via laser tattoo removal and the pictures of the healing process could very easily make you lose your lunch!).

3) And one more alternative would be: get some over the counter tattoo cover up cream. It works, won't break your budget, and you can actually keep your tattoos. It can hide all your tattoo pigments, and tattoo cover up cream is easy to get a hold of.

4) The most expensive removal method id a surgical tattoo removal. This tattoo removal method is very painful, and VERY pricey. The surgical procedure requires the replacing of the skin in that area.

How do I choose from the many lower back tribal tattoos?

In its basic incarnation, “tribal tattoo” is used to describe a design of tattoo which has its basis in one of the world’s tribes where members of a particular tribe created and permanently marked each other with that tattoo. Nevertheless, nowadays the phrase is used to denote tattoos which are viewed as more symbolic in nature and elaborate than regular tattoo designs.
Throughout time, tribal tattoos have been exercised to demonstrate the identifications and desires of particular factions of people. If you’re contemplating having some ink with a vast history rather than a every day symbol, you should research the history of your selected design to ensure it’s a perfect ‘fit’ with you.
In the age of the Aztecs, tattoos were a way of identifying the group and devotion. However, nowadays tattoos are generally seen as a means of not being identified as a member of a group; they permit people to individualize their body and become individuals. Aztec tattoos are becoming more and more popular due to the mystical and fantastical devote beliefs of the Aztec community.
Celtic tattoos were utilized for tribal identification, and are very popular with people who are looking for a finely honed religious aspect to their tattoo. Japanese tattoos have historically been linked with the Japanese mafia – a modern day tribal means of identification!
There is more opportunity for variance by incorporating some African elements into the design of your tattoo. One of the oldest tattoos found was on a mummified Egyptian. Typically, Egyptian tattoos were used to commend the pharaohs and gods, and to secure the wearer against illness and mean entities. Therefore, there is heaps of opportunity in adopting an ancient Egyptian tribal tattoo!
Therefore, why should this mean anything to you? Obviously, it’s all well and good judging a tattoo simply by what it looks like, but if there is a specific significance surrounding the tattoo, then you’d clearly want to make sure the value was positive from your perspective if you are going to be parading this value for the rest of your lifetime!
Utilizing the past of the tribes is a good method of uncovering a tattoo design that is perfect for use on you. The tattoo could allow you to identify with the foundation of the tribe yet, at the same time, permitting you to stand out.
Nowadays, tattoos are a way of demonstrating your individuality. Nevertheless, there is no reason why a tribal tattoo should not be adapted into a design you think is more suitable for you. You might want to use the tribal configuration as the basis for your own lower back tribal tattoo design.
The growth of lower back tribal tattoos is because tribal tattoos are not as common as the regular tattoos, and are seen as being more unique. Also, the configurations are normally wonderfully constructed, coiled and symmetrical, and are therefore suitable for a woman’s lower back as they will emphasize her curves and femininity.
All through history, the a woman’s lower back has been a sensual and energized place; it is purported to be the location of a female’s creative energy. As such, including a tribal tattoo on a woman’s lower back, will emphasise her femininity and power!
There are loads of lower back tribal tattoos to decide from, therefore spend as much time as you can in making your selection. Read through a few history reference books at the library and the picture books at your chosen tattoo parlor; there’s something for everyone’s tastes. Try to individualize your tattoo, but make sure you know the basis of where your tattoo design comes from!

What You Should know about maori Tattoo Designs

 There are many mistakes people make when getting traditional maori tattoo designs and i hope that by the end of this article you will avoid the most common mistakes made by most people these days.
  These days with the ever growing popularity of tattoo art amongst all cultures through our increasing multi cultural society, traditional maori tattoo designs seem to be the choice of tattoo at the moment, almost like a fashion statement.
 In fact traditional maori tattoo designs are some of the most popular tattoo designs around and there's a valid reason why traditional maori tattoo art is so popular in our current multi-cultural societies.
  In today's world with so many tattoo artists and so many people looking to get tattoo art, you will find them going through and looking at other cultures in the hope of borrowing or worse of stealing other peoples designs to come up with their own tattoos. This can lead to artistic flair, but not so when choosing traditional maori tattoo designs .
 To understand traditional maori tattoo designs you need to understand traditional maori terminology. As you know if you were learning about science or any field there will be terms associated with that particular study and so it is with  traditional maori tattoo art. The ta moko is the name of the family identification of Maori that form part of the group known as whakapapa.
 The reason it is important for maoris to know their family history is important especially when they were waring amongst each other over the centuries and before their arrival of the shores of new zealand.
  There are still Maoris that can trace their history with these maori tattoos, some chiefs can look at a Maori tattoo design, read it like a book, they do this by feeling the texture, looking at the design and the precision that went into getting the tattoo and will be able to trace back some of these Maori family trees. There are designs that date back over a 2,000 year period in maori history, these chiefs have the skill and ability by looking at the design and are able to tell how far this tattoo dates back to or this particular design origins.
 What most people don't realise when looking at a design is that they tell a story, though they look like a swirl or twirl to us, they actually tell a full story when you know how to read these tattoos.
  So you have learnt about the "ta" form of the maori language now its time to introduce the "moko" part, that is the important part as it involves the chiseling of the tattoo into the skin.
  So you think that getting a tattoo by today's standards is painful, well traditionally the maori made deep cuts into the skin using brutal tools and yes also the bones of albatrosses, for the maori to be able to distinguish themselves from the other tribes they used the color of the ink to tell the family history and the patterns on the skin would then allow someone to interpret the family history of these patterns.
 What this would essentially do for some one, is that they would, if they were an elder be able to tell the history by looking at the design the moko and of course the patterning of the skin. There is a common misconception around the world thinking that maori tattoos in their original sense were only done on the faces, however this is not true, they were also done on peoples bodies, what this allowed them to do was distinguish their chiefs or leaders by having these markings on their faces
 There are so many people copying maori tattoo designs these days, many people think there is no harm in doing this, at first sight but is it really ok to steal other cultures identities?
One should never just take words, images or symbols from the maoritanga or Maori culture without knowing what they are doing, as to the Maori this is seen as an insult, can you imagine walking around with some maoris family history? One thing not to do is to go out into the world of maori tattoo designs and just start copying any design, this could lead to a situation of stealing some maoris family tree
  How would you like to know what maoris really think about other cultures and especially now the western cultures stealing their identity and culture?
  The word "pakeha" might not mean anything to you as a westerner however in the maoris language it is associated with negativity, those that never ask for anything and simply take.......
..........without asking! Wouldn't you say that this sounds more like stealing someones culture? Well this is what the maori think of other people and especially the western world for taking their tattoos, they feel that not only did they loose their land but also now they are loosing their culture of tattoo designs
  One thing that is annoying many traditional maoris as mentioned, is the stealing of these tattoo designs and the reason that it is annoying them, is the fact that they foresee a day when the maori will have lost everything, they believe they have lost their land, now they are loosing something that makes the maori for who they are today, and that is the maori through their tattoo designs, they feel that this is the last thing to go in terms of spirituality before they have lost all to the west, which is quite sad as all cultures on earth are only bound as a culture through their individual rituals and unique flair such as tattoos in the maoris case.
  So how will this effect your decision when getting Tattoo Maori Designs?
  The safest thing for anyone like you to do is to perhaps look at a few designs for inspiration but try never ever to copy the design like it is on maoris in newZealand.
The quickest way to get a traditional maori tattoo design would be to contact someone in new zealand who is in charge of a tribe or a tribal tattoo artist and ask if the design that you are looking at is not someones design already, though this might seem dumb as mentioned we have to be sensitive to a culture that has shrunk over the last 200 years, with the internet this could be done in a matter of hours Maoris are really only annoyed when you just take, they might even grant you a special maori tattoo for asking, do you want to know how many people would actually ask for a design?
Not many! That's right if you ask you will more likely be given the go ahead for a special maori tattoo design, this way it will be even more unique and you will have a one of a kind maori tattoo design that you can be proud of.

Permanent Body Art Vs Temporary Tattoos

Funky hair-styles, body-piercing and tattoos are the statement of the youth (also quite a few grownups). Everyone wants to stand apart from the crowd, and wants to be noticed and there are many ways to do it. Tattooing your body is just one of them. Some – get it done for shock value or to gain instant attention. Tattoos that proclaim rebellion through weird sketches or simply love for a sweetheart with a heart and arrow, you can wear your heart on your sleeve, quite literally! Tattoos allow you to get in touch with the playful, creative side of your personality; they even given you a platform to vent your anguish.
But do they have any relevance in present-day society? You bet. Just think about it. If you have ancestry dating back to the aboriginals in Australia you actually get to flaunt your heritage.
As we all know, tattooing has come to be regarded as an art form. Body art is as popular a medium as any other form of art. What used to be common back-alley practice viewed with suspicion and riddled with scorn is now held in high regard.
Other important benefits of Tattooing are that it helps to camouflage bad skin and baldness; it is also known to hike self-esteem (especially in women) and boost confidence. In addition, it helps foster a spirit of unity or belongingness. Yet, permanent tattooing is not without its drawbacks. Tattooing has been held as the number one culprit for spreading the deadly hepatitis C virus, just to quote one instance.
Most tattooists are not fully aware of the toxic levels of the dyes and chemicals used during the tattooing process. Sure, your tattooist may be consistently sterilizing his needles and putting on disposable gloves, but he may not be necessarily addressing the toxicity of the dyes being used. Please be warned that ‘unprocessed' dyes and colors can give you an HIV infection, leprosy and melanoma, not to mention ulcers and a host of skin problems.
When you walk into that popular tattoo parlor in your neighborhood, the next time,  you will need to pre-ensure that its owners follow the health and hygiene regulations strictly. Or, even better, you can go in for temporary tattoos.
Just think about it: do you really need those heavy bandages to restrict your movement, even as you long to scratch those inaccessible, itchy spots? Do you really want to feel anxious of thinking what disease you may have contracted because of the foreign element that just entered your body?
Consider another fact: the permanent tattoo proclaiming your ex-love will hardly be a pleasant sight to your current love interest. Worse, you could be rejected for a coveted job just because your interviewer does not approve of the flashy markings that Tattoo lends to your personality. More alarming- certain symbols might get misinterpreted in other cultures and unknowingly, you could become the needless victim of a hate crime. What do you do in such cases? Go in for an expensive and extremely painful laser removal solution? Or the even steeper intense pulsed light therapy?
The good news is that there are much cheaper and absolutely painless alternatives available. These are-as you know them- temporary tattoos. As the name suggests, temporary tattoos do not have a lasting effect on the skin. Because the dyes used are just stuck on the skin with the help of Skin-Friendly glue, tattooing becomes a painless exercise. Temporary tattooing is also considered safer compared to the real thing although reservations have been expressed in certain quarters.
Consistently rising in popularity is the airbrush mode of temporary tattooing. The basic principle in operation here is placing a stencil over the skin patch, which is filled by the paint from the Airbrush Gun. Also, the same stencil may be used for Temporary Henna Tattoos as well as Glitter Tattoos.
What are the advantages of temporary tattooing? Firstly, it is absolutely painless even though the airbrush instrument points towards you rather threateningly like a real tattoo gun.
Temporary tattooing is also comparatively much safer, as the colors are painted on the skin and not under it. This means that you won't get pus or blood oozing out from various spots in your skin. Make sure you approach someone who enjoys a good reputation in the business.
These Fake Tattoos can be self applied on any part of your body. You can buy any ready available design of Tattoos, and water transfer it over your skin. The Temporary Tattoos, other than Water Transfer variety, are available as Glitter Tattoos and Crystal tattoos. You just need to peel them off their backing paper, and apply anywhere on your body. The best part is, if you buy these tattoos from a reputed company, the adhesive used is also completely safe for skin.
Lastly, you can remove the temporary tattoos at will with the help of oil or cream. Most temporary tattoos will stay on for week or so and gradually fade away.
So, make your decision: do you now want to go through agonizing pain just to get that permanent splash of color (that you might want to remove later) on your body and remain bandaged for days with the possibility of getting infected?
O yeah....temporary tattoos are just a fraction of cost of a permanent tattoo.

7 Kinds of Top Rated Tribal Tattoos

Tribal Flower Tattoos: A guide to understand yourself better.

Amongst the wide range, it’s the Hawaiian Flower Tattoos that have been opted much. The Hawaiian Flower Tattoos offer a unique way to an individual to express himself. They are usually done in tribal form, with dark lines and heavy inks. Lei is the popular Hawaiian flower tattoo designs. It showcases colorful little flowers, known for being worn around the neck of visitors to the islands, are an even stronger symbol of hospitality. The other well-liked Hawaiian Flower Tattoos designs, which are well accepted by tattoo lovers, are hibiscus and orchid.

Indian Tribal Tattoo - A valid reason to be a tattoo lover

Some people view Indian tribal tattoo as an art form. Indian Tribal tattoo is an abstract art for the skin, which are usually solid black. They are unique in its approach. The wide collection of these Indian tribal tattoos is available in varied colors, designs and range. There unique and different Indian designs fetch lots of Indian tattoo lovers towards the art of tattooing. It is the uniqueness of Indian tribal tattoos design that transforms a non-tattoo lover to a tattoo lover. Like its name, Indian tribal tattoos, it also gives an individual a chance to shower an unconditional love and affection towards his country.

Tribal Letter Tattoo- makes you trendy and stylish

Tattoo lovers often use Tribal Letter Tattoo as a means to express their individuality. These Tribal tattoos are available in varied hues and range. The artists use small needles covered with ink to pierce the skin and color it. This eventually leaves a creative design on the body. These Tribal tattoos like other ones are generally form of abstract art for the skin, which is usually solid black. Tribal Letter Tattoos make tattoo lover look different from others both in style and personality. In other words, these tattoos play an integral role in making a person look fashionable. It is quite common to find tattoo lovers using them as a mode of portraying their love towards their loved ones.

Tribal Sun Tattoo – Mostly preferred design by tattoo lovers

Tribal Sun Tattoo designs are commonly used by tattoos lovers as one of the effective methods to express their individuality.  These tattoos involve a method of placing colored pigment into the skin with a needle, leaving an image or logo on their skin. The very idea of placing ‘Sun’ in the body makes it more demanding. A tattoo lover has the advantage of picking any Sun Tattoo design of his or her own choice. Sun Tattoo is one of the preferred designs of most of the tattoo lovers.

Tribal Heart Tattoos – A unique way of expressing individuality

Tribal Heart Tattoos have a good appeal to create artwork on the body of a tattoo lover. There are numerous tribal heart tattoos designs available in the market. In other words, the wide range of tribal heart tattoos both in design and colors easily fetch tattoo admirers. Heart Tattoos are mostly loved and appreciated by young tattoo lovers. Most of the lovers consider these tattoos as one of the best means of showcasing their love and admiration towards their lovers. It differentiates them from others and put in the category of those who are in love. These heart tattoos are generally form of abstract art for the skin, which are usually solid black.

Tribal Superman Tattoos - A reason to flaunt

Tribal Superman Tattoos are available in different designs and colors. The popularity of these tattoos has increased because of word ‘Superman’ which attracts lot of tattoo lovers. The inimitability in the designs of Tribal superman tattoos makes it one of the well-admired tattoos. A tattoo lover can go for any Superman Tattoo on his body. There might be a possibility that a particular design doesn’t suit both his personality and style. To avoid such situation tattoo lover is put on the benefit of testing various Superman Tattoos of his own choice. These superman tattoos are usually male’s favorite as it gives them the chance to flaunt their bold and daring attitude.

Tribal Rose Tattoos - Initiates Love

Tribal Rose Tattoos are formed effectively by marking the skin with colors emplaced by a needle. In other words, Tribal rose tattoos offer different yet interesting way to express yourself. These tattoos have become more famous among youngsters who use them as one of the effective means to showcase their unconditional love towards their loved ones.. A tattoo lover can go for any Rose Tattoo on his body. These are usually liked by young lovers who believe in the art of love and prefer expressing it in a very rosy way.

Various tattoo 2

My 2nd collection for viewing pleasure. Keep comming back for more collections.

Various Tattoo Collection 1

These are among the few interesting collection for your viewing pleasure. Surely there will be more to come so, keep visiting my blog.